Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Hey guys,
I haven't got much to say about these pics (for once) so here they are!
So there he is, I finished him last Thursday. The reason I'm putting him up so late is because I went on a Tennis tour for 3 days and I've been pretty lazy for the last 2 days.
As usual, if you like the blog please follow it. If you don't like my blog or have a criticism email me at If you want the quickest updates on when I post or any other cool info follow me on Twitter @spinner5555.
Till next time,
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Now, if you remember all that time ago when I posted, I had a series starting up called "A Growing Fleet...". I believe it was about building my Tyranid army. So far I have done my Tyranid Prime Broodlord conversion and my Spore Mines. So this time, I thought I would do my first Gargoyle Brood.
Yes, Gargoyles- the flying Termagants. A bullet shield for Carnifexes, Genestealers, Warriors or even Trygons. Perferct for giving away friendly cover saves, or assisting in outnumbered combats.
The way I run my Gargoyles is with both Adrenal Glands and Toxin Sacs. A bit more expensive, but helps when you play up in your opositions grill (as I do).Now the models. If you read the caption in the photo above the one above, you heard me rave about how easy they were to put together. But, these models were also very easy to paint. With mostly open areas (accept under the gun) the model is ready for anything you want (Hive Mind permitting ;).
So, two posts in two days. I'm proud of myself.
As usual if you like the blog, please follow. If you like me, please follow on twitter (for funny updates and instant notification on when I do a blog post) @spinner5555. And, if you don't like me, please tell me and email me at
Till next time,
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Yes everyone, it really is me and I am on the earth, not posting in the afterlife. As hopefully some of you might have noticed, I have kinda, sorta, fallen off the radar of the internet. School work was hectic, with about 11 assignments due in a 3 day period of time, and I could not find the time, nor effort to post. I know, I know, I so lazy :(
But what do you say, why am posting now, well.
Yes everyone, it is finally holidays down here in Australia and I have some projects going on. I have been
employed to sell some things and I will be raking in the cash. My second project, well, I will show you in a sequence of pictures...
Yes! I recently received (as in yesterday) the invoice and the White Dwarf Model. I will be painting this over the week and hopefully will have a post with it in it next Monday.
So, thats it for this one guys! Remember to follow this blog and follow me on Twitter @spinner5555.
Till next time,
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Hey guys,
First off I would like to apologize for my recent lack of posts, I'm not going to use a lame excuse like to much school work or lack of sleep, but frankly, I have been going through those symptoms, if you will, and it is only my fault. But anyway, on the upside, because of end of financial year sales, my family has recently purchased a laptop notebook on the cheap and I will also be picking up some jobs on Internet programming, so that the money will be coming in and I will be able to do a lot more hobby.
To get on with it, today I will be debuting a new segment about tournament preparation called "Lock 'n Load". The inspiration for this is that I will be attending the "Lords of Terra" tournament in late July, some Aussie east coasters may have heard of it, and I thought no better way to go through my tournament preparation then to share it through posting thoughts and tutorials about it. So, in this post I will be going through the initial army list build.
The first thing I would recommend would be selecting good troops choices. This is where flexibility comes in. Being able to deliver firepower or hold objectives well. Some examples of good troop units are; 10 Tac marines, 30 Ork Boyz, 10 Plague Marines, 12 Fire Warriors.
I would then recommend choosing your other FOC slots. HQ's, Elites, Fast Attack, Heavy Support. HQ choices are good for either being a hammer unit, eg Farseer and Seer Council on jet bikes, or support characters, like lysander or eldrad. Good elite units are usually good when really shooty, or tank hunty, like Zoanthropes, or really assaulty, like Terminators in a land raider or Nobz. Fast Attack choices usefulness vary from army to arm and are mostly subjective, so I will not touch on any of these and anger anyone. Heavy Support choices are very good if used properly and are sometimes easily broken, like 3 land raiders, multiple long fang squads with missile launchers and relentless and 3 trygons/mawlocs.
Those are my thoughts on army building, so I thought I would show you my first draft of want I am planning to take.
Captain Galernus
Counts-as Lysander.
Epistolary Librarian (psychic powers Gate of Infinity and Nullzone).
Termi Armour with Storm Bolter.
10 man tac squad.
Flamer, Lascannon
5 man Scout squad
Heavy Bolter (Hellfire)
10 Man tac squad
Meltagun, Plasma Cannon.
5 man Tac Squad
Sarge has teleport homer.
Hunter-Killer Missile
5 man Termi Squad
Assault Cannon
Venerable Dread
Assault Cannon, Missile Launcher
5 Man Termi Squad
Heavy Flamer
Dev Squad
2 Heavy Bolters, 2 Missile Launcher
TOTAL: 1750
Well, that's it for the first Lock 'n Load. Remember to follow my blog and me on twitter @spinner5555.
Till Next Time,
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Hey Guys,
As I said in the last post, I am trying to hit the blog hard, so hot off the presses, here is a review of the newly released expansion for Warhammer 40k "Spearhead".
Ok, Spearhead is a series of rules based on massive armies of armoured (Aussie spelling) forces clashing into each other on an epic battlefield. At the end of these battles, carnage is the only evidence of living things as everything is destroyed by the crushing strength of the massed armour that has crossed the now barren lands.
The main mechanic of Spearhead are apply named, Spearhead Formations. Spearhead Formations are units of tanks, walkers skimmers or even bikes that tread (or, speed) across the battlefield, decimating their enemies with massed fire power. They move and deploy exactly the same as the do usually. There are many different Spearhead Formations used for different reasons. Crusher Spearheads used for massing tank fire, Monstrous Spearheads for bringing the strength of monstrous creatures and even a Super-Heavy Spearhead to bring the stubbornness of a super-heavy vehicle to the playing field.
Organising a battle of Spearhead is not much different to a regular one. You pick forces, do battlefield prep, choose a mission and deployment, then deploy the forces. The differences aren't the steps, but are actually in the steps, if you get what I mean. First off, the force organisation chart hasn't changed except for the fact that Spearhead Formations are a seperate (Aussie spelling again) part of the chart. You may take one of every type of formation, so you could take 12, although I do not recommend it. The other two changes are the missions, which are based mostly on objective taking, and deployment, which do not encourage close quarter fighting. The missions are all based on objectives and scoring units. In Spearhead, scoring units are troop choices, as usual, all spearhead formations, as expected when trying to promote taking the formations, and all tank and walker units are scoring, wow, sounds like a good marketing strategy for selling models 'wink wink, nudge nudge'. Back on track now to the changes in the deployment, units, including Spearhead formations, now deploy off the short board edges.
I would play Spearhead with probably 2 HQ's and 2 strong Troop choices in transports, 2-4 Spearhead formations, depending on the pints level, and maybe some Elites or Heavy Supports, depending on your army, for tank/armour hunting.
My opinion on this expansion is it seems fun but it will not be regularly played by various gamer groups. It will not flop as much as planet strike but will not be as popular as apocalypse, maybe the same level a little bit higher then cities of death. On 1-10 gamer coolness rating, 1 being playing the "that guy" who is the jerk of the tournament to everyone, and a 10 being blowing up a Leman Russ with a deep striking gun drone, I would give this game a 6. Pretty good, but wont last a long time, only in my opinion. One part I can give a 10 is how Games Workshop produced it. A White Dwarf/PDF expansion in my mind is much better then a 50 page book of nothing that takes a month of no good releases (*cough* planetstrike *cough*).
Once again guys, thanks for reading, remember to follow the blog to your right and follow me on twitter @spinner5555.
Till next time,
Monday, May 31, 2010
Hey guys,
First off I want to apologize sincerely for not posting in 1..2..3..4..5.. 6! Days.
Now, for this post I am going to make a response to the responses I have received from the community (mostly the DLT Forums), as there has been a lot of them (here is the post).
So to start off, the story of the hosts and the fall of 40k Radio has now expanded and the controversy has risen to boiling point. I will not post this as it is to much for me to handle but you can read about it here at "Blood of Kittens". My opinions have not changed from last week and will not as the story unfolds. That is all I will touch on as this is a very touchy subject.
Thanks for reading guys. Look for multiple posts over the next couple days as I have just received my new issue of White Dwarf and will be reviewing the new "Spearhead" expansion for Warhammer 40k.
Till next time!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Hey Guys,
As some of you may of heard, Spencer of 40k Radio has decided to close up shop and shut down the show. The friction first started after episode 68 of 40k Radio titled "Blood Angels Fashion Show" where host Jar Jar returned to the show yet again after being banned for saying the N word on their 2nd marathon show last year. A very aggravated email was then sent to Spencer saying:
"Thanks for bringing the racist a**hole back. Just so you know I have chatted with your sponsors regarding this and am trying to get them to drop you. I have a few others online doing the same. We have started a following and will try to topple and undermine you. I also hope that your affairs are all in order. Ever think that your wife’s miscarriage is due to your actions? I say good riddance, one less racist to be raised in the world. Its Instant Karma in my mind.
Again, I hope your affairs are in order. Seriously."
Spencer then responded on the 40k Radio website by saying:
Angry words from angry men, personally, I agree with Spencer, as most of us do. This, I believe, started to unravel the greatness that was 40k Radio. After this, another email came to Spencer's inbox threatening him and his family.
Spencer then made his final statement, it read:
"What a long crazy journey this has been! I want to thank each and everyone who listened to the show. You truly made it an enjoyable experience. Meeting you all at live events or on the chat or on the phone has been amazing. It is something I will never forget. In light of recent threats to myself and my family I have decided to close down the show. I did not start this to allow people a platform to attack my family. This is a show about little toy men….moving on little toy worlds. It was supposed to be fun. Personal attacks and threats take that fun away.
I will miss all of you.
Thanks for listening."
My opinion of this unfortunate is is that we all knew that 40k Radio was coming to it's final curtain call, after recent changes to the show, but it should not have ended this way. This is all about a game of toy soldiers fighting each other. This "Jack The Rippa" and whoever else would dare insult a man like Spencer are total idiots and disgraces to this whole community. I may sound like a total Spencer fanboy but to be honest, 40k Radio isn't my favourite podcast, but the effort him and any other podcasters out there put out is amazing. They spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars on equipment to run their shows.
Thanks for reading, sorry for angryness at end, but that was my opinion.
Till next time,
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Hey Guys,
I decided just to make a quick Sunday morning post before I go to my AFL Game. Now, on the subject of the blog, as some of you may have noticed I am trying to post every-other day. I will be trying to put up an equal balance of Tactics, Army Building and Hobbying/Tutorial Articles, along with a News post every Sunday (which will be every two weeks, because of the posting schedule). So, on with some content...
These are some DeffKoptas I just finished.
Thanks for reading guys! As usual, remember to follow this blog and me on twitter @spinner5555. Follow me, and I will follow you, check me, I have. Hope you enjoyed!
Till next Time...
Friday, May 21, 2010
Hey guys,
For my second Hearing I thought I would review a book I recently finished, "False Gods" of the Horus Heresy Series by Graham McNeil.
The book comes at you with dramatic cover art of the Luna Wolves fighting in battle. This book shows the Luna Wolves fighting as on the cover art of the first book "Horus Rising" shows the Sons of Horus. The strange thing is, in the first book the main chapter is called the Luna Wolves and then changes it's chapters name to Sons of Horus at the end of the first book.
So, into the fluff...
The book starts off where the last book left off, in the Davin System. A distress call is made from the governor of the planet and Horus responds with full force of the newly named, Sons of Horus. After crushing the natives of the land, they find the crashed flagship of Davin's Governor. Horus and a small group of Astartes warriors head into the ship to see what it contains. On this ship, Horus is mortally wounded by an alien weapon. The Sons of Horus take their fallen primarch to his flagship and try to heal him. After this fails, a secret clan of Astartes warriors decide to take him down to a temple of the Davin natives. During Horus' long healing ritual, he goes on a spiritual journey in his dreams and is confronted by forgotten memories of the past and makes the choice that changes the fate of the galaxy forever.
The characters in this book are well developed and always have emotional attachments to the story and the reader. The protagonists of this book are Horus and his Mournival, a council of veteran Astartes warriors. The Mournival includes Ezekyle Abbadon, the 1st company captain, Tarik Torgaddon, the 2nd company captain, Horus "Little Horus" Aximand, 5th company captain and Garviel Loken, the newest member to the Mournival, 10th Company captain.
The plot line to this book is well made and kept steady, the descriptiveness amazes me and the sheer awesomeness of the story is incredible. On my super wargaming awesomeness scale of one to ten, one being the incredible fail of having to skip gaming because of a wife or girlfriend and ten being the awesomeness of taking a shot every time a model dies, I give this eight out of ten.
So, thanks for reading my second post of my Hearing segments, hope you enjoyed it!
Till next time,
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Hey guys,
This is the Second Part of my Tyranid Army Building Series. The first part was called Tyranid Army Start, and "A Growing Fleet" will now be the title of this segment. So here is part two...
Spore Mines
I use my Spore Mines as a preliminary bombardment almost, putting them in two squads of three. In the beginning, I try to place them dropping on the flanks or on weaker units, at the end, I try to drop them on objectives (objective mission) or severely reduced squads (kill points). I use them as an early game (or late game) moral breaker, or to get rid of pesky units with two or three men.
The only reason I take these models in my army is because I own them and they are an easy points filler. People would argue that they absorb shots but I don't think the enemy wants to shoot at something that could blow up there units. They also don't want to waste shots in a kill points game on a unit that doesn't give away a kill point.
So that's my spore mines, I hope you enjoyed the pics and the reading material.
Till next time,
Monday, May 17, 2010
Hey guys,
This is my first post for my new segment "Hearing". This segment will include reviews for may consumer products in the miniature wargaming world. I will be going into the specialities of different books, models, codex's, expansions and rulebook of everything I come into contact with in the miniature wargaming world. So, here is my first review...
The Dark Heresy Core Rulebook
The Calixis Sector is located on the northern edge of the galaxy, in Segmentum Obscurus. It was conquered by Lord Militant Angevin, more then one thousand years ago. The Calixis Sector is heavily populated with many worlds important to Imperium. The Calixis Sector is filled with Chaos and Corruption, making it the perfect place for an Investigative RPG.
The Mechanics of Dark Heresy are very simple. Dark Heresy uses the d100 percentile mechanic for all skill tests and some character creation statistics. A very popular mechanic for FFG RPG's (wow).
Character creation is probably the second most time consuming parts of this RPG (of course, behind organising an adventure). But it is also one of the funnest. The vastness of the 40k universe with the combination of innovative careers make the game fun and flavourful (it brings it to a 'howel 'nuva 'leval, click this link if you don't get it).
The cost of this book is $59.95 US and is well worth. Overall this game is brilliantly made and well produced. I would not recommend this to a first time role player as it is complicated, but could work if it is introduced by a long time role player. On my gaming coolness from 1-10 (one being LARPing and ten being the awesomeness of painting 40k in between playing Halo and COD), I give this a 7 out of 10.
Well, I guess that's it's for my first review, as all things do, the reviews will get better over time. Thanks for reading and remember to subscribe to the blog and my twitter @spinner5555.
Till next time,
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Hey guys,
Today I am going to start showing off my new army that I have just started building, the Tyranids...
In the the following articles I will be showing off my models and how I will load them out and use them in the game. so here we go with my HQ.
Tyranid Prime.
Well guys, thats my first post about my nids, thanks fro reading, hope you enjoyed it...
Till next time,
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Hey guys,
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, it's been kinda hectic with school and stuff but anyway. I couldn't think of anything to post so I thought I would post this short story I have to write for an English assignment. I thought it would be good to familiarize my self with it and also get something out there. So, here we go.
by spinner5555
The muggy skies were depressing in the Brazilian city. The coldness, the darkness, all this had made this location a scary place. The buildings had not helped the mood either, all of them grey with mostly shattered windows and bullet holes in the walls. This and the fact that there no birds in the sky had hinted to Jack that the city recently became a war zone.
Jack had been in a tall building in the middle of the city. The most part of the city was going from the North to the South, and on the East and West sides were the outskirts and then farm lands. the military term for Jacks position was called a Crows Nest. An area with vantage points and an arch of vision on all sides. Although it was a great position, Jack knew his enemy was smart enough to realize it was a viable location.
Jack had come to this city for one reason. Not the cold, not the depression, but for one man. This man, his target, was a middle age man and was identified by Jack's source as wearing a white suit with a purple tie. The target would be delivering a a briefcase to a building opposite his crows nest . The briefcase contained information on the killing of his Uncle. jack decided he had to retrieve the briefcase whether it meant taking the life of the deliverer or not.
On the fourth day of sitting and waiting in his crows nest, Jack had spotted his target. The man was walking towards a building across from Jack on the Eastern side of the city, wearing a white suit, carrying a briefcase. Jack focused his scope on the man. The target stopped walking in the middle of the road, and turned around. Jack prepared to take his shot before he noticed his targets blue, not purple tie.
Jack swerved his weapon as his finger fell on the trigger. The bullet narrowly missed the now realized decoy and hit the concrete pavement, making a massive split in the concrete and a large puff of smoke and rubble. the silence after his shot was deafening . Jack dropped to the ground instantly with a look of horror in his face as he listened to the burst of gunfire broke out from the adjacent buildings. As the screeching of the gunfire suddenly stopped, Jack knew he had to get out of the building and across the city to his safe house where his source was.
Jack took a smoke grenade off his chest and popped it in the crows nest as he made a quick burst for the door to the staircase, remembering something his uncle said to him when he was preparing for an assassination . "a hero is no braver then an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer." This was the last thing Jacks Uncle said to him before he was killed.
He reached the bottom of the staircase and prepared himself for a final dash across the fifty metre long road. He ran as fast as he could, feeling the adrenaline flow through him. Ten metres away from the end of the road he saw a man wearing a white suit and a purple tie, take aim at him with a pistol. Jack felt a jolt in his chest as he fell to the ground. The man in the white suit with a purple tie stood over Jack in confusion as smoke started surrounding him. The bullet had luckily penetrated a smoke grenade on Jacks chest.
Jack tripped the man with his foot and pressed a pistol to his chest. "Where is the briefcase!" Jack yelled at the man. The man laughed, and Jack realized that it was long gone by now. Jack knew that the man had set this up to cause him pain, so he made his death slow and painful.
The End.
Thanks for reading guys, hope you enjoyed it!
Till next time,
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Hey guys,
Today I will be starting a new segment for my blog that will come along every one or two weeks. Here I will be looking at the new releases from big and small miniature companies alike. Some of you guys may have already read about these releases and I will just be giving my opinion on the items at the moment. Maybe as my blog gets bigger, I will be able to get some rumors and the news as it breaks. So, lets get to it...
We'll start with some news from our favourite games company to love to hate to love... Games Workshop. G.W. has released their second set of Blood Angels Along with an article apply named "Blood Angels:Specialist Troops Assembly and Painting". This article also includes some helpful starting tactics and the usual stuff. The link for the new B.A. models is here and the new article here.
Monday, April 19, 2010
I used the same painting techniques
as the dead Terminator.I couldn't post photos of the little cup thing
because the picture couldn't focus (size reasons).
Thanks for checkin out these pics, if you have any feedback
or constructive critizems, please coment.
Till next time,
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Hey guys,
I think it's official, technology is hating me at the moment. With now camera problems, the forthcoming of my next post may be delayed another day or two...
I am deeply sorry again, It wont happen again.
Till next time,
(hopefully without any difficulties)
Friday, April 16, 2010
How Less and More Effort in Terrain can Make a Difference...
0 comments Posted by xSpinner_xD at 7:38 PMHey Guys,
Today I will be explaining how less and more effort in terrain can make a difference.In the image above, you see two similar shades of dark style desert sand (stay with me on these, there was a lot of difficulties this week). One was done in seven steps, one in nine. Which one do you think was done less steps?The one on the left (we'll call it, frame A.), was done in nine steps and the one on the right (we'll call it, Frame B.), was done in seven steps. Both very similar and both look good. Less effort, and soon to be found less paint, comes out to the same effect (with terrain, remember that).Here is a step-by-step guide to how to do both (obviously, I recommend going more the way of Frame B.).
Step 1: Sand (not smoothed, what you do with bases and P.V.A. Glue) your base, terrain, etc.Step 2: Under coat (both Frames) with with a 1:1 mix of "Skull White" GW Paint and watered down P.V.A. Glue.Step 3: Base coat (both frames) with a slightly watered down "Scorched Brown" GW Paint.Step 4: For Frame A, overbrush a 1:1 mix of "Scorched Brown" GW Paint and "Dwarf Flesh" GW Paint.
For Frame B, overbrush "Dwarf Flesh" GW Paint.
For Frame B, lightly overbrush "Tallarn Flesh" GW Foundtaion Paint.Step 6:For Frame A, drybrush "Tallarn Flesh" GW Foundation Paint.For Frame B, drybrush "Bleached Bone" GW Paint.
Finish Frame B with a wash of Scorched Brown with a 2:1 water to paint ratio.
Frame B. has been completed. Step 9:Finish Frame A with a wash of Scorched Brown with a 2:1 water to paint ratio.I will say again, there is no difference in quality when time, effort and paint usage are varied (for terrain, very important just for terrain), as shown as an example in the pictures below.
So, if you want to voice your opinion or inform me of a law suit you want to file against me for any Eye problems caused by reading this article and/or any R.S.I. problems caused by any excessive scrolling, please comment.
Thank you for reading my first big article (with pictures!!!),
Till next time,