Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hey guys,
Today I will be starting a new segment for my blog that will come along every one or two weeks. Here I will be looking at the new releases from big and small miniature companies alike. Some of you guys may have already read about these releases and I will just be giving my opinion on the items at the moment. Maybe as my blog gets bigger, I will be able to get some rumors and the news as it breaks. So, lets get to it...
We'll start with some news from our favourite games company to love to hate to love... Games Workshop. G.W. has released their second set of Blood Angels Along with an article apply named "Blood Angels:Specialist Troops Assembly and Painting". This article also includes some helpful starting tactics and the usual stuff. The link for the new B.A. models is here and the new article here.

G.W. has also announced the release of their "Honoured Imperium" Terrain Set. This set contains a wrecked piece of imperium chapel, Aquila concrete symbol (which looks like it has fallen off a building) and the long awaited Space Marine statue. This would be a great set for making a great Imperial army display board or city. To check that out click here. G.W. also posted a painting and guide, the link is here. And for all my American readers, Games Workshop has released their players pack for the upcoming 'Ard Boyz tournament. It contains approved armies, army size, prizes, round timings, score systems, store sign up sheets, tournament rules and a wicked cool poster. Check it out here.

To other news, Forge World has released some new models including Raven Guard vehicle doors, a new (and better looking) Ork Stompa, a cool looking Elysian Buggy, a cooler looker Elysian Accessory showing a bunch of troops sitting in a Valkyrie troops cabin and three Tauriffic Battlesuits. All the releases are obviously preparation for the forthcoming Imperial Armor: Volume #8.To check out these models, click here.

Now for some news from our favourite RPG development company, Fantasy Flight Games. F.F.G. has announced their upcoming expansion for their 40k roleplay game, Dark Heresy. Dark Heresy:Dead Stars is the third book in the Haarlocks Legacy Trilogy. I do not know much about roleplaying, so do what you want with it.

Now, for some Alternative Model Options...

Wargames Factory has put what up for pre-order, of course, their long awaited "Shock Troops" models to go with their Sci-Fi Great Coat Infantry line. Check them out here.

Miniature company Terragnosis has previewed a "Female Demonic Entity" mode. I am not sure of the size of this model, but if you are someone who wanted to do a Slaanesh themed Demon Army with a Bloodthirster, this would be a great model. Check it out here.

Antenocitis Workshop has released a set of two "G.O.T. Sentry Guns". These two models are perfect stratagems. Check the out here.

Miniature company Kromlech has announced upcoming releases including a model they call "Clanking destroyer" which could easily be a model used as a Killa-Can. Check it out here.

Critical Mass Gams have revealed previews of upcoming odels, including some Wolf looking assault walkers called "Towaska and Fenrir. There may be some size issues, but these might just be perfect for cyber-wolves. Check 'em out here.

Now to the world of bases...

Resin FX has their 25mm "D.U.I. Crash Site" series. These bases would be perfectfor an urbanized Ork Army. Check those out here.

Dragon Forge Designs has released their new line of "Sanctuary" resin bases. They come in 25mm, 40mm and 60mm round bases. These bases are great for an Inquistion army based in an old temple. Make sure to check these out here.

And I'll finish off with some tech news...

Lone Wolf Development has posted an article on their site about their up and coming ournament running program, "Tournament Ace". If you want to find more about it, or become a beta tester, I suggest you go to the link here.

So that does it for the first news segment.Remember to follow my blog and now my twitter @spinner5555. Follow me, and I will follow you (and that goes for both).
Till next time,


Monday, April 19, 2010

Hey Guys,
Today I am going to show off some "Space Hulk"
objective markers that I found in my Bits Box.
The pictures are of the dead Terminator.I used a colour scheme I made up randomly.This (below) is the back detail of the chair.I sprayed it white, washed them black with a 1:1 ratio of Chaos Black (GW Paint) to water, added Shining Gold (GW Paint) detail, drybrushed Boltgun Metal (GW Paint) where needed, painted Blood Drops Orkhide shade (GW Foundation) then highlighted raised area with Goblin Green (GW Paint), painted paper Bleached Bone (GW Paint) then highlited with pure Skull White (GW Paint) then scribled text with chaos Black (GW Paint), highlighted raised areas with Codex Grey (GW Paint) then highlited with 1:1 mix of Codex Grey (GW Paint) and Skull White (GW Paint), finally I washed it all with 2:1 ratio of water to Chaos Black (GW Paint).
These are of the C.A.T.
I used the same painting techniques
as the dead Terminator.I couldn't post photos of the little cup thing
because the picture couldn't focus (size reasons).

Thanks for checkin out these pics, if you have any feedback
or constructive critizems, please coment.
Till next time,

Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's Official...

Hey guys,
I think it's official, technology is hating me at the moment. With now camera problems, the forthcoming of my next post may be delayed another day or two...
I am deeply sorry again, It wont happen again.
Till next time,
(hopefully without any difficulties)


Friday, April 16, 2010

Hey Guys,
Today I will be explaining how less and more effort in terrain can make a difference.In the image above, you see two similar shades of dark style desert sand (stay with me on these, there was a lot of difficulties this week). One was done in seven steps, one in nine. Which one do you think was done less steps?The one on the left (we'll call it, frame A.), was done in nine steps and the one on the right (we'll call it, Frame B.), was done in seven steps. Both very similar and both look good. Less effort, and soon to be found less paint, comes out to the same effect (with terrain, remember that).Here is a step-by-step guide to how to do both (obviously, I recommend going more the way of Frame B.).
Step 1:
Sand (not smoothed, what you do with bases and P.V.A. Glue) your base, terrain, etc.Step 2: Under coat (both Frames) with with a 1:1 mix of "Skull White" GW Paint and watered down P.V.A. Glue.Step 3: Base coat (both frames) with a slightly watered down "Scorched Brown" GW Paint.Step 4: For Frame A, overbrush a 1:1 mix of "Scorched Brown" GW Paint and "Dwarf Flesh" GW Paint.
For Frame B, overbrush "Dwarf Flesh" GW Paint.Step 5: For Frame A, lightly overbrush a 1:1 mix of "Scorched Brown" GW paint and "Tallarn Flesh" GW Foundation paint.
For Frame B, lightly overbrush "Tallarn Flesh" GW Foundtaion Paint.Step 6:For Frame A, drybrush "Tallarn Flesh" GW Foundation Paint.For Frame B, drybrush "Bleached Bone" GW Paint.

Step 7:For frame A, Drybrush a 1:1 mix of "Tallarn Flesh" GW Foundation Paint and "Dwarf Flesh" GW Paint.
Finish Frame B with a wash of Scorched Brown with a 2:1 water to paint ratio.
Step 8: For Frame A, drybrush "Bleached Bone" GW Paint.
Frame B. has been completed.
Step 9:Finish Frame A with a wash of Scorched Brown with a 2:1 water to paint ratio.I will say again, there is no difference in quality when time, effort and paint usage are varied (for terrain, very important just for terrain), as shown as an example in the pictures below.
Sanded Building.
Sanded Hill.
Sanded Meteor.
Sanded Base of Model.But, that is my opinion.

So, if you want to voice your opinion or inform me of a law suit you want to file against me for any Eye problems caused by reading this article and/or any R.S.I. problems caused by any excessive scrolling, please comment.
Thank you for reading my first big article (with pictures!!!),
Till next time,


Hey Guys,
I am greatly sorry about the lack of posts over the last couple of days as I have been having some technical difficulties with my internet, resulting in me not being able to access my blog (or my facebook, or other forums). However, I was preparing a big post over those days and it will be posted this afternoon (for me). Also, possibly tomorrow I will be posting a fairly large "shout outs" post,
till... this afternoon,


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Another big thanks...

Hey guys,
Another big thanks comes from me to the "From the Warp" blogging group. I am now glad to be apart of this community and will be contributing higher quality (I hope) from now on.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Hey guys,
Things lately have gotten pretty hectic, as of me getting now into my second term of high school, so I have kinda forgotten about my blog. Things are about to change.
I have been trying to get tips for my blogs and I have a bunch of new ideas for it. Now, I get to my big thanks.
I would like to immensely thank the guys from the Dice Like Thunder forums, especially users Consadine, Max the Dog and BDJV, for giving me some advice of how to get my blog known.
Thank a BUNCH.



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